Sourdough treacle tart
Sourdough treacle tart

  1. #Sourdough treacle tart how to#
  2. #Sourdough treacle tart plus#

Lottie’s World of Cakes and Bakes is having a bit of a Bake Off Challenge! Now here’s where I attempt a bit of a linky link: I would be hoping for near the top of the table with this one! Now tell me that isn’t a good looking Treacle Tart! It tastes delicious too, the lemon lifting the flavour nicely, texture good, no soggy bottom, nice bit of colour…. Then about a whole 30 seconds passed before we had to cut into it. Left it about five whole minutes, which is all we could stand, then unfurled it from the tin: I figured we were in for something special. Let me tell you, when I opened the door to take it out… there was this waft of lemony loveliness…. Then once this was done, trimmed the edges, and it was done! For each vertical strip, I just laid it across, then lifted the horizontal up and over.

sourdough treacle tart

I used my Pizza wheel to cut strips from the reserved pastry (note: it has already been egg washed at this point), then laid strips horizontally across the top, then started to add the verticals. Whether because of how awesome my lemon juicer is (leading to always getting loads of juice out, much more than a regular juicer – good if you love lemon as much as me), or the type of bread I was using, the mixture was super runny still, so I had to add more breadcrumbs than the amount stated. I think Lakeland do something similar these days too. It really juices those lemons! note: I have had some comments on ny juicer, you can buy it here, it’s quite expensive, but really robust, good quality, and…. So I got the treacle all runny, added the breadcrumbs, zest of lemon, then used my badass lemon juicer to juice my lemons: Note: I used some of my plaited loaf for the breadcrumbs as we didn’t have any other white bread, and as I made a Sourdough loaf yesterday morning… we had quite a bit of bread to use up! I employed Mr M as chief breadcrumb maker, as I had been his LEGO slave all afternoon: So for the recipe I did 1.5x everything, so I was sure to have enough… (In the end I had oodles of pastry, so I made Bakewell tarts with it later in the week!) Alas, my tin is 23cm rather than the 18cm stated.

sourdough treacle tart

The pastry I made in the food processor…as usual, I can make it by hand, but after a day of faffing about with LEGO, I was being lazy (one of these challenges I might actually do it properly), so cheated.Īfter chilling in the fridge for… well definitely 20 minutes but it may have been longer, I rolled it out and lined the tin.

#Sourdough treacle tart how to#

I have the book, The Great British Bake Off: How to turn everyday bakes into Showstoppers, but the recipe is also available here from BBC Food. This recipe was provided for the show as the Technical Challenge for week 3 by the Queen of cookery herself, Mary Berry CBE, so you know it should be good.

sourdough treacle tart

But the Treacle Tarts of my youth! Homemade Treacle Tart! Even, occasionally, school dinner Treacle Tart, that’s what we like. Generally, not good memories of said tart.

#Sourdough treacle tart plus#

Last time I had a piece of Treacle Tart has got to be years ago, I can remember it being topped, weirdly, with some crushed cornflakes or something? Plus it was kinda yuck. Plus it gave me an excuse to prance about the kitchen and work out some of those aches from having been hunched over sorting out LEGO pieces all afternoon. I know I’m a day early, but I’ve got to go to work tomorrow, then my friend is coming a-visiting to pick up the sugar flowers, so I thought I would bake today. So this week’s technical challenge is going to be a Treacle Tart.

Sourdough treacle tart